No... its not a fake or image manipulation

Started by gastar, January 09, 2008, 05:11:37 PM

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currently the renderprocess is running....

The scene has 2 cloud layer with 1024 cloud samples and 128 athmosphere samples... runs on a P4 2,8, 512MB RAM.... I think a P4 is to slow for large render.... but now I can say "I have the longest render..." or has anyone a longer render?  ;D

current: AMD 4200+, 2 GB RAM, 500 GB, Geforce 7950 GX2
2010:    AMD Quadcore 3 Ghz, 4 GB RAM, more Space, ...
2015:    256 Core CPU, 16 GB RAM, more then 20 Terrabyte and a 64Bit Terragen Verison...


The world is round... so you have to use spherical projection.



Here's hoping you don't get a power outage!  I look forward to seeing the end result sometime much later this year...


Um... you *do* realize that with 1024 cloud samples and 128 atmosphere samples, you aren't going to finish the final render on that machine before 2009, right? - A great Terragen resource with models, contests, galleries, and forums.


I hope the render will be finish 2008.... an there is no power outage....  ;D

Its a funny test how long a pc/windows runs without a reboot....

I think we must wait 3-4 months...

current: AMD 4200+, 2 GB RAM, 500 GB, Geforce 7950 GX2
2010:    AMD Quadcore 3 Ghz, 4 GB RAM, more Space, ...
2015:    256 Core CPU, 16 GB RAM, more then 20 Terrabyte and a 64Bit Terragen Verison...


depends if your PC is in a real need of a reformatting like mine its about 48 hours.
The world is round... so you have to use spherical projection.


Man, I think that PC has had enough torture.  I'd drop those cloud samples down to 196 and atmosphere samples down to 64.  And knock that resolution back down.  4000x3000 is just too legendary of a size for the current version of TG2 and hardware.

Additionally, do you have ray traced shadows on?  I turned that on once for a scene that could have used it (due to mountains blocking the sun), and the render times jumped by a factor of 4 or more.

Anyway, my longest render was close to a week - and the image sucked when it was completed, and it was at a paltry 800x600 resolution.
mood-inspiring images and music


What if Terragen crashes ??? :D

AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950X
128 GB RAM
GeForce RTX 3060 12GB


hehehe just thinking about how TG2 is unstable... i hope you didn't put any water or it will crash rendering :)
neeeeed to see the final render !


I will hold any and all wagers you all can trust me can't you?
The world is round... so you have to use spherical projection.


I trust that machine won't finish the render.

I've got over 700 Hours on a final.  Not that I'm proud of that, though.  700 seconds would have been better.
So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?


are you telling me that you have been rendering this fore more than 2 months and it hasnt even finished calculating GI??...

this is fake fore sure....:D

"and I know how you did this too" :D
"His blood-terragen level is 99.99%...he is definitely drunk on Terragen!"


I've got about 120 hours so far on my laptop, I estimate another 60 to go - and I'm paranoid XP is going to auto-reboot on me. I keep seeing one of those dumb "you've got undownloaded updates" messages pop up. Even though I've got the auto-download thing turned off for XP itself, I've still had Kaspersky A/V go ahead and reboot in the middle of something without asking...


Quote from: dhavalmistry on January 10, 2008, 02:39:02 AM
are you telling me that you have been rendering this fore more than 2 months and it hasnt even finished calculating GI??...

this is fake fore sure....:D

"and I know how you did this too" :D

no its not a fake.... I think the render size and the 128 atmospahere samples increase the rendertime....
(I need 128 samples for a clear athmospehre)

Tomorrow I post the tgd file in the share area, render youself and you will see how long your pc need....

Autoupdate is off!
current: AMD 4200+, 2 GB RAM, 500 GB, Geforce 7950 GX2
2010:    AMD Quadcore 3 Ghz, 4 GB RAM, more Space, ...
2015:    256 Core CPU, 16 GB RAM, more then 20 Terrabyte and a 64Bit Terragen Verison...