Help with Mac Version...

Started by jmyers73, July 24, 2009, 11:07:42 PM

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very nice effect dandel.
i could see this being just as effective with leaves on a tree.
now i'm wondering if displacement maps could be brought in somehow.....hmmmm.....minds racing. ;D

thanks all for all your help. now i just need to see if i can strum up $399 for the animation version for mac so i can animate!

hope i opened some new doors of thinking too.


Henry Blewer

DandelO, the second gif anim looks good. I was thinking the twist and shear could be used in the displacement input. A heightfield is just a mesh. I would look into it, but I am stuck with the free version (thank you Planetside!) until I can save money to purchase the full version, then upgrade.
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