Here's a true planetary scaled version(default TG new planet size). This is an easy way to lay a ring around the planet using a cloud layer.
The surface layer's altitude constraints supply the cloud's Y-cut-off limits, the simple shape shader now only describes where clouds
shouldn't render. You'll notice shadow casting from both directions - from planet and from ring. Enable ray traced shadows in the cloud layer for this effect.
Again, this is only one layer, you could add as many intersecting cloud layers as you want or, use some kind of circle function for distribution of the same layer, it's up to yourself and whatever you need. This is just an example to build on or use as a reference.
You'll need to assign your own ring distribution functions etc.(like I did with the sin functions above) but this is a basic form for laying a ring layer around the planet using clouds. Nearly 10,000 samples! Lucky it's only a shallow layer, eh!
* You might try rendering this from beneath the planet, I haven't tried that yet so, any render errors, let me know and I'll see if I can iron them out...