Quote from: Dune on August 21, 2017, 02:22:27 AM
Kadri, try using the displacement to scalar after some displacements and strata, then warp and rotate mixes..... and use to displace.
Thanks Ulco. I had not much luck in that way. Worth another go later.
But what i used doesn't involve any strata node (some scenes before had strata nodes but that was different) and in general it is very easy.
A basic setup at least.
Hard part is to make it look nice.
Testing since 1 month with nearly the same nodes (It is amazing how many different looks you can get with so few nodes).
I am right now sick of those many tests.
I am just rendering two different scenes of the basic setup.
It looks more suited for far away stuff at first, but i will share it and see what you all can add to this.