
Started by Dune, December 29, 2019, 05:59:12 AM

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Your humans do look much more natural then in the past Ulco.
Still one of the hard things in Terragen from the rendering aspect too. The skins especially.


A very busy place! Lots to look at here.


Very nice and great progress!
I absolutely agree with Kadris thoughts about your increasing skills with human characters!

I'm really looking forward to the final with all the bustling Romans :)


Thanks guys. This was meant only for a few topdown renders in screen resolution for a museum monitor experience, but I tend to add a bit more (unnecessary) detail anyway, and just tried what it looked like from eye height. So most guys (no females, afaik) are pops.


The image Vke test-30.jpg seems particularly "alive" to me. I could see that scene going a little further for fun.


Great! And very good characters indeed!


Quite the modeler now! It truly seems like last week when you made your little mud creature.....haha ;D  Inspiration for lots of us to try new things. Great work!


Completely agree with everyone on the progress you made with humans Ulco!
I admire the sheer work and TG scene complexity you're working on/with.
Another object which really struck me is the 'mud hut' (leemhut) where the mud is partially covering the underlying branchstructure.
I really like these imperfections and you executed that idea very well.
These kind of things really sell it for me.


Thanks. Imperfections are indeed important. Just finished another one... not perfect, but good enough. PT render. I still need to work more on clothes and folds, but it's all so time consuming.


Just super. Are you using SSS for the skin shader?


Nope, just PT and regular shaders.

Agura Nata

Fascinating stuff my friend! :)
"Live and Learn!"


Some more action for the scene.


Oh, the brother of Picard and new horses! :) Cool!