NWDA image contest - The WINNERS

Started by FrankB, May 12, 2009, 05:15:54 PM

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And don't forget how subjective this is.  One group of us might like one or two better than another group and so on.  Not anything to worry about.  Anyway, these guys with NWDA are really good artists and know shit from Sherlock.
So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?


We don't care about who did what, the only thing that will matter is "What is the best, the most realistic, render among the ones that will be post ?"
be sure that it will be your image and not your name that will be "judged" by the jury.


Thank You for that  Seth, it is Reassuring  8) ;D 8)



Exposure of one's creativity to the world is a prize won, and no matter what a panel of judges or membership votes might say or do.... nothing can take that away!. 

Life is but a stage a play so take your part and put all seriousness away, or bear the smart.


Quote from: arisdemos on June 10, 2009, 12:19:39 PM
Exposure of one's creativity to the world is a prize won, and no matter what a panel of judges or membership votes might say or do.... nothing can take that away!. 

totally agree ^^


I actually wouldn't WANT to win if I won because of my name in stead of my image! And displaying possible entries here really helps my own creativity process. I'm not competing to win either. It would be nice, but it's more about growing and to see what I can really do (after a lot of concept tests that didn't quite finish in realistic renders...)!

So don't worry about the competition!

I would really like to see your entry!


It's good to see the "olympic spirit" win over suspicion ;D

I will tell you a little bit what brought us to launching this contest. Many of you may not remember, but around 10 years ago, there was a contest called Terracon, in which everyone interested in Terragen back then wanted to participate. The winner would get a free commercial license of Terragen. Surely a grand prize! It was a good motivation to give your best and participate. The contest went on for a long time, eventually the contest was discontinued though. After a couple of years, there was not much more left  that people could do with Terragen 0.9: Pretty much everything had already been seen and done. So long story short, after Terracon - to the best of my knowledge - there never was as much participation in a Terragen Contest again.

In the past two years, with Terragen 2, there were and and still are a few contests around. However other than for "peer" recognition, there is no tangible prize anymore. HOWEVER, participating in an art challenge is still an interesting, personal journey.
So we thought that we attempt to provide that little extra motivation by devoting our NWDA products as prizes. I am very happy to see people participate. We had no real expectations on participation, but I'm glad some of you find it worthwhile.

We chose an open, non anonymous contest with a jury for two reasons. First, we don't have the infrastructure in place for a voting contest. Second, the number 1 thing I always hated with the usual contests was the lonesome, hidden and secret image creation process. Booooring. We wanted people to show what they work on early, ask questions and get advice from others, to really have a chance to excel, go beyond what they would usually consider final, and eventually submit a piece of CG art they can be really proud of, no matter if they win a prize or not. Apparently, you're all enjoying that new freedom (in a contest) :)
So because we were "owning" the contest, why not try different rules and break some old habits ;D

Lastly, we use the contest to give NWDA and our products some exposure, by providing our stuff as prizes and by hosting the contest at the NWDA website. But that's just a side effect, the main thing is that we were hoping to initiate a little challenge that is fun to participate in. I am convinced we'll have a fantastic collection of renders in the end.



Quote from: FrankB on June 10, 2009, 06:04:06 PM
I am convinced we'll have a fantastic collection of renders in the end.

...and had a lot of fun ;D

Henry Blewer

I have enjoyed seeing the work people are doing. The contest has caused me to work harder learning what is possible. I think I'll post a couple tries in the image sharing area.
Forget Tuesday; It's just Monday spelled with a T


I do very much enjoy the contest!  I'll be happy if my image is good enough to get past the screening and into the contest, that's victory for me.


I am very happy to see that a lot of people is enjoying the contest and to watch the evolution of the renders !
it's very cool to see everybody getting motivated  and, from the WIPs I saw so far, everyone is doing their best to get real good renders !!!

what a pleasure ^^


Well I've been pushing myself to the absolute limits of my knowledge with this software, not really to win, but to combine all the techniques I've dabbled around with from the last 8 months. The competition is an incentive for me to carry on and finish an image with the best of my ability, with some great critical feedback not just on my image, but from comments on others.

Since working on this I've spent a greater amount of time studying details in nature with the aim of replicating it, when out with the dog, or driving into work. I'm finding that possibly more enjoyable.

So thanks guys.


Finally finished mine after about 3 more renders and submitted it, haven't heard back yet so hopefully that means it went through screening ;)


@Zylot: screening passed :) ... your entry is online now in the gallery. Nice image :)
