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Image Sharing / Re: Lupine River Bridge (redon...
Last post by Stormlord - June 11, 2024, 02:00:59 PM
Thank you for your water current clip, great idea!

Terragen Discussion / Re: Render same Cloud in diffe...
Last post by kent_m - June 11, 2024, 01:53:54 PM
Thanks for your reply. 

Yes we've set up multiple Planet nodes and feed them into different render layers via different groups, but the problem we're facing is that because Terragen's node flow is (naturally) down we can't render a cloud stack in a render group/layer without the atmosphere calculated in if its set up that way - which we do in order to develop the beauty look before splitting out the non atmosphere outputs. 

Because of the output requirements we have (to render some of the clouds render with no atmosphere and we want to split out different layers of clouds) we're faced with the problem of having to duplicate the cloud stacks into the different groups. Ideally we'd not have to do that in order to simplify the workflow and avoid potential errors.

If we had a node that allowed multiple Main inputs to composite together or a node that allowed certain inputs to switched off in stream then we would be able to split layers of a single "dev stack" into the different groups with out the higher nodes factoring in to what we want to get out of the lower stacks.

Hope this makes sense!
Image Sharing / Re: Lupine River Bridge (redon...
Last post by pclavett - June 11, 2024, 12:08:54 PM
Hi all, I have rendered nighttime versions of the bridge scene and experimented with lights for the first time. learned a lot of things. Tried initially to put the lights inside the lamps where the bulb was, but to no effects, no light came out, blocked by the model even with those parts being transparent glass. Then redid the model with no glass but simply open areas, light came out but the shadows from the frame blocked so much that this was not valid. Tried invisible lights in the middle of the space between the lights, bulbs luminous, great lighting but the reflections in the water were not realistic. The option that seemed to work best was individual lights for each bulb, placed on each bulb and subsequently moved outside the lamp object in line with the camera axis of view, very close to the lamp object, lights all invisible, but the bulbs luminous. Played with the atmospheric light settings. The results are below, first the failure, second the relative success. The bridge was the one before the water line and the floating rock fix. Sorry !
Image Sharing / Re: Lupine River Bridge (redon...
Last post by pclavett - June 11, 2024, 11:55:01 AM
Hi Dirk ! For the water, I used 2 different water shaders, one smooth, the other one rough, merged together with a merge shader with a Power fractal that was warped for current effects used as a masking the merge. My initial trials with this merge were horrible but found the masking that made it acceptable. Both water have the same values for colour and such but different for reflections. I will include the .tgc with this post. Take care !
Image Sharing / Enlighten darker areas in your...
Last post by Stormlord - June 11, 2024, 09:29:58 AM
Often you end up with a render in which your trees, vegetation or areas in the shadows are very dark.
You can use a simple process, to light up only those darker areas in your image to get a more pleasant result.

In the post work, I often use the Layer Mode "Negative Multiply" in Adobe Photoshop to light up the dark areas.
The process is actually very simple, but to explain it more fully, I created a small a video in which I explain the process more in detail.

As an example, I use a very early render of my pacific Island 2024 scenery...

Pacific Island 2024 - ORIGINAL.jpg
Original render (untouched)

Pacific Island 2024 - Negative multiply.jpg
Darker areas in the foreground enlightened with a mask and negative multiply

Here is my tutorial video, to show you how you can do it yourself with Adobe Photoshop.


Image Sharing / Re: Lupine River Bridge (redon...
Last post by Stormlord - June 11, 2024, 08:39:55 AM
The seed is much better in this version.
The misty version is very moody, a great rendering!

Question Paul:
The water in the first version render looks quite nice, is it a standard water?
Which water settings are you use here?

To answer your question regarding to use negative multiply to enligten darker areas in an image, I created a short video tutorial...
See here...,30816.0.html

Image Sharing / Re: Lupine River Bridge (redon...
Last post by pclavett - June 11, 2024, 05:29:47 AM
Did think about it afterwards.... darker would have been better for the waterline... must be my frequent visits to the USA Southwest where waterlines are paler for some reason. Will dirty things up a bit and possibly add mossy patches on the stone. Will check the displacement on those stones, might be too much ! The bridge was based on a movie I saw recently where this modelling seemed to please me.....wanted to see if I could produce this kind of effect. The surface is textured from old boards and will appear in future renders. The nightlight version is still cooking....lots of lights, 28 in all.
Image Sharing / Re: Lupine River Bridge (redon...
Last post by Dune - June 11, 2024, 01:28:00 AM
First of all my compliments for the misty version. Awesome! The light is great. As a matter of fact, I almost find it a pity that I don't like the bridge itself, but that's personal. My taste is for more subtle, natural old bridges, like old Italian ones. Is it an existing bridge, or fantasy? The bump on the stone is a bit too much as far as I can see, I would soften it and/or reduce. Or is it post sharpening?

The waterline is nice, but light. Did you add a reflective shader? I would personally go for a darker waterline, like in these photos, where mosses/algae grow in the always wet low areas, getting a bit patchier higher up. Just my 2 cents, though.
Terragen Discussion / Re: Render same Cloud in diffe...
Last post by Matt - June 10, 2024, 08:09:35 PM
Reposting this because some messages were lost over the weekend:

I think you can feed the cloud layer into multiple planet atmospheres so you won't need to duplicate the cloud layer, only the planet and atmosphere. As far as I remember, the only limitation is that both planets must have the same size and position, but that would be the case here.
Terragen Support / Re: Problem after the maintena...
Last post by pclavett - June 10, 2024, 05:07:30 PM
No problems Kevin,
Reposted my image and all is fine.
Appreciate all your work and this wonderful software !