Elections in France

Started by TheBadger, April 23, 2012, 02:34:56 AM

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Quote from: penang on May 07, 2012, 01:23:05 AM
With the victory of François Hollande will France break the European Austerity pact it signed with Germany?

Greece looks like it's going to exit the Euro zone pretty soon

Hollande is a Socialist so austerity measures do not sit well with Socialists.

That seems like a good idea. Having competing currencies is more safe anyways. The European Union experiment does not appear to be working out to well.


The path taken by USA is to spend, spend, spend, while Europe is trying to save, save and find even more ways to save.

The spend-spend-spend path is easy, with a known consequence - deficit spending and trillions of national debt

On the other hand, save-save-save will be painful, especially with populations that are so used to getting free money from the government without having to work (aka welfare) but countries that tried it turned their economy around (Eg. Germany)

If France is going to break the austerity pact, its future gonna looks gloomy.


Quote from: penang on May 07, 2012, 02:48:44 AM
The path taken by USA is to spend, spend, spend, while Europe is trying to save, save and find even more ways to save.

The spend-spend-spend path is easy, with a known consequence - deficit spending and trillions of national debt

On the other hand, save-save-save will be painful, especially with populations that are so used to getting free money from the government without having to work (aka welfare) but countries that tried it turned their economy around (Eg. Germany)

If France is going to break the austerity pact, its future gonna looks gloomy.

It certainly is a mixed number of events and two sides for both the US and Europe. The current establishment in the US is the mass spending as this goes for both parties, they just spend in different areas. Both parties are wrong on foreign policy as well. However, there is a rise with Independents and Libertarians in particular who offer an alternative to spending the US into serfdom.

I certainly agree that if France keeps on there current path, the money will eventually run out and who is going to bail them out? Hopefully no one. It sounds cruel but everyone should ask the question, why should irresponsible behavior be rewarded? The bank bailouts and the auto bailouts were huge mistakes and so was all of the stimulus packages.


You don't understand me ? That's normal, I don't speak english.


Krugman is the last Economist i want to hear an opinion from.    :P


You don't understand me ? That's normal, I don't speak english.




Peter Schiff on Paul Krugman, Europe and Austerity.



lol. NYT, I thought they went out of business?
It has been eaten.


Quote from: TheBadger on May 08, 2012, 12:36:28 AM
lol. NYT, I thought they went out of business?

If only.   


Now that elections in France and Greece is over, let's focus on the US of A

It's very, and I emphasize, VERY unfortunate that the GOP rank and file decide that Ron Paul will not be on the ballot come this Nov.

The guy that they chose? He is no better than Obama, and is equally clueless on the working of economy, deficit, and national debt


penang, from your previous posts on this forum, I know a bit of what kind of person you are.
So, just for you to know, the elections are not over in France.
The next round is in June for the Assemblee Nationale.
And if you want to talk about USA and/or Obama and/or Ron Paul, feel free to open another thread but please.
Thank you.


Tiens Seth, à propos du vote FN, un article qui reflète assez bien ce que je pense de la question. Ça devrait te plaire. :D

Elle laisse de coté (volontairement je pense) le vote FN "trollesque" ouvrier (vote de colère à base de "tous pourri") qu'on a pu voir au premier tour dans certaines des grandes villes du nord et/ou des bassins miniers... Vote FN ouvrier de premier tour qui d'ailleurs s'est massivement reporté sur le PS au second tour (voir les différentes cartes de résultats).

Je ne pense pas que cet article nous mette d'accord (loin de là), mais je le trouve relativement intéressant. ;)

Sinon le cas du Gard, de mon point de vue, pose question : On a là une large majorité de votes FN avec des électeurs "senior" (issu de l'Algérie Française pour une bonne part, ou de Tunisie comme mes grands parents)... Que va devenir ce type de vote FN dans les dix ans à venir ? Disparaître avec ses électeurs (on aurait alors un infléchissement notable du FN dans cette région), ou bien se transmettre (en quelque sorte) d'une génération à la suivante ? Qu'en penses-tu ?

You don't understand me ? That's normal, I don't speak english.


Quote from: Seth on May 08, 2012, 08:09:58 AM
penang, from your previous posts on this forum, I know a bit of what kind of person you are.
So, just for you to know, the elections are not over in France.
The next round is in June for the Assemblee Nationale.
And if you want to talk about USA and/or Obama and/or Ron Paul, feel free to open another thread but please.
Thank you.

We shall keep that in mind Seth.    :)   My own passions get the best of me at times.