Excluding Lighting objects origin from the rest

Started by Kadri, March 21, 2021, 10:08:50 PM

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Is there a way to separate the lighting object from the part where it hits the ground and shadows?
I want to exclude only the part from where the light comes.

I looked around and tried some layer options but couldn't find a way.

I use version v. 4.1.25


I don't think I properly understand. Do you have a visual example of what you are trying to exclude?


So you want the object to be lit, but not the ground it sits on, nor a shadow. I think the only way is to render a crop with just the object lit, and paste it in the total render where the object is not lit (or absent). No other way to my knowledge.
A bit more work for animations though


Think as that the place where the light is as glowing. I don't want that glowing part...the origin of the light part.
I want only the lights that come from there on the ground and to the clouds and the shadows.
Now if i have high numbers the point where the light is grows-glows too much like a sun.

Maybe there is something i don't see and it is possible. Wouldn't be surprised.
If this isn't clear enough i will try to show an image.


I want everything to be lit. I just don't want the glowing part where the light is Ulco.


How about a (wide angled) spotlight, with glow turned off?


You can turn off glow and light atmo in the sun too, but I guess that's not what you mean... that works in my quick try. But you get very dark shadows.


Take a look at this.
The sun is not a problem. But the other 2 light source types are.


How about an invisible plane...


Unfortunately i want it the other way around. I want the upper part gone where the light source is.


Mmmm. Well, maybe a sphere or plane with illumination, but invisible... I often use that to light up shadowed areas (of people).



Hmm...When you go to some extremes kinda strange things happen.

The sphere object didn't do anything when it was 1 meter or so. Even when i used very high luminosity settings.
Using negative scales-inverting didn't work too.
But when i made it so big (kinda) as the background sphere even 1 luminosity was enough to lit the planet.

The planet node and cube worked the same way.

But the card acted as predicted and lit the ground.

But looks like this brings some other problems. When it goes through the clouds everything is lit-glowing too much...

It could work maybe i don't know. Have to test it in the scene.