Bobby - thanks,but I'm not interested in having that.And just for testing to help out
others...nay,too much
hassle.So either a model someone really uses or
someone else has to test that,sorry.
As for your wrist keyboards or sequencers can help in times like that,at
least a
bit.In my experience that is.
Hope you get well soon!
Yes Hannes,I know,but there can be circumstances where a default shader is
not an option,like in my tests with Vdisp "terrains".
In this example I had to use a lambert shader.
And my experiments seem to suggest that the lambert shaders "use existing colour"
feature doesn't take reflectivity into account,which can be problematic at times,btw.
Ulco,the reason I asked was another strange effect I saw when rendering
translucency on a different Vdisp
thing.It looked like TG rendered an addi-
tional layer for translucency first and on top of that the final surface.
Didn;t notice that behaviour with the other file(s).Kinda strange.
Your pic reminded me of that,but your answer shows that it's most likely
something different.
More thinking and testing required apparently.
Get well everybody!