Quote from: WASasquatch on November 21, 2015, 02:22:18 AM
I would love to see global scales honestly. Performance is a User-Side issue.
I don't think so.
Good performance is a very important aspect of a user experience.
AND performance are my main priorities. My new algorithm already has a better realism and more natural behaviour, and I am working to make it as fast as possible.
I can write procedural erosion shader which will process infinite area and have a good realism close to the best raster erosion applications but it will be totally unusable as it would consume terabytes of RAM and render single image in a months.
Compromises are the key. Limited area which is enough to cover a planet is good compromise. So I'll expand the area up to 1000x1000 of current in the future, and I think it is enough (that is ~1M x 1M meters).
BTW there are also other problems. You can already cover a whole planet by setting scale to a very high value (100000 for example), but erosion uses a planar projection and won't wrap around the planet.
This is the real problem, not the range. I'll try to solve it of course. But I want to get a good realistic erosion first, even if on the limited area of a 1000x1000 kilometers.