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Image Sharing / Re: 360º
Last post by Dune - July 24, 2024, 01:14:55 AM
No mud flood, but they used to paint the walls white with chalk to protect them. I may have to pull the level up though and make it whiter in the first, so good that you asked.
Image Sharing / Re: 360º
Last post by Doug - July 23, 2024, 08:29:25 PM
very realistic

does the first picture show evidence of the mud flood?
Image Sharing / Re: 360º
Last post by masonspappy - July 23, 2024, 06:47:59 PM
Wow, that's about as photo-real as it gets. 
Image Sharing / Re: 360º
Last post by mhaze - July 23, 2024, 09:43:25 AM
Impressive work as ever.
Image Sharing / Re: Cold
Last post by Stormlord - July 23, 2024, 07:17:23 AM
Yeah... the misty fog must be much denser in my opinion.
But overall not bad... great to see some new pictures from you!

Image Sharing / Re: 360º
Last post by Stormlord - July 23, 2024, 07:11:00 AM
That's because in the header (which contains all the infos regarding your image -> size, depth, ect.) were some unknown info's or perhaps a virus.
If you save it new, then a new header is saved also and the problematic infos (or the virus) will be overwritten. That's why...

Once I had the same problem with .inf files.
I realised that by checking the file size. In my case, the size was more than 24KB instead of small 30 bytes or so...

Terragen Discussion / Re: Is it possible for TG to e...
Last post by gao_jian11 - July 23, 2024, 05:55:51 AM
Kevin Kipper, I've found the cause of the problem. In the cloud animation panel, the vdb file of animation cannot be exported only by checking the Enable drift and Enable evolution options, while the Time warp option must be checked and the animation key frame set. I right-click the export successfully, and I learned to use Python script, and the export succeeded. Thanks again!
Image Sharing / Re: 360º
Last post by Dune - July 23, 2024, 01:51:58 AM
One render didn't upload for security reasons (?), so here it is. I had to open and resave under same name, strange.
Image Sharing / 360º
Last post by Dune - July 23, 2024, 01:47:57 AM
Some tests for a project I'm working on; a 360º render for a 5D site, depicting a 1700 AD Dutch village. A lot of building to do, and putting it all together in a believable landscape.
Image Sharing / Re: Cold
Last post by Dune - July 23, 2024, 12:46:08 AM
Nice, I like the addition of the ice flows in the lake. And the shadows in the cloud. One tiny crit is that I find the highest snow a bit too light. Either too translucent or too reflective, but it kind of bleaches into bland areas.