Educational License Program

    At Planetside Software we strongly believe in the value of education and we know that for students, faculty, and educational institutions it can often be difficult to afford the software you want to work with. So we created the Terragen Educational License Program to provide completely free licenses for educational use. Eligible users receive Terragen 4 Professional with no feature restrictions or other functional limitations. Whether you’re a faculty member or student, or even a large institution, your licenses are free as long as they are being used for valid educational purposes!

    To apply for an educational license as an individual, please use the button below to access the appropriate form. This includes individual licenses for staff and faculty members as well as students.

    If you would like to request multiple licenses on behalf of an educational institution or other organization, please use the button below to access the appropriate form. This can include one or more computer labs, along with multiple staff, faculty, etc.

    If you received a license in the past and would like to renew, please send your updated proof of educational status (with current/future date) to

    Please note: All licenses must be renewed on a yearly basis and require current proof of academic status at the time of renewal. Provided licenses must only be used for educational purposes. If you earn any money whatsoever in conjunction with your use of Terragen, whether or not the end-product incorporates Terragen-rendered or created elements, you are required to purchase a commercial license*. We reserve the right to deny or revoke educational licensing to any individual or institution, at any time, and at our sole discretion.

    *If you work for or represent a company interested in supporting, integrating with, or developing for Terragen, please contact us to discuss your project and license needs.

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