Honda ‘The Origin of Determination’ – VFX by A52

    Honda’s new commercial, ‘The Origin of Determination’ is a spectacular new brand spot, with all vfx created by A52 through the agency RPA.

    Terragen Sky – a new, forthcoming application from Planetside Software – along with the planet-building powerhouse Terragen 4, were both utilized extensively by A52 to create the skies, clouds and landscapes in this huge spot for Honda.

    Planetside Software worked closely with A52 and VFX Supervisor Andy Wilkoff who worked with both programs and gave the developers great feedback on Terragen Sky, which will be released to the public soon.

    All vehicles were lit by Terragen Sky, which gives the user the ability to create infinitely customizable 360-degree HDR sky domes with photorealistic cloud layers and sun, in an easy to use interface that harnesses the power of Terragen 4’s complex sky, sun, cloud and atmosphere systems.

    Terragen Sky is made for a vast array of applications, from 2D Flame & Nuke compositing, 3D HDRI workflows, architectural visualizations and 360 virtual production stages.

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